Anonymous Comment

May. 17th, 2022

When I was living the worst part of my life, I found a book that changed my life, that book was YBOP in this book was written all what was taking away my life, I was not alone, I was not lost yet, there was a way to recover my life, Gary changed my life, I had been struggling with porn addiction for years now, I had won a lot, I had changed a lot, still have a lot to learn and change, but the very first tool I had was Gary's work, he gave me a ray of light in the darkest part of my life. So based on his work I started a web with a blog, a YT channel and help spread his words and knowledge to spanish community, and help a lot of men and women, to get their life back as I did with mine thanks to Gary's work.

This man saved my life and free me from my deepest nightmare.

Thank you very much Gary!