Afonso Consoli

May. 22nd, 2021

Hi, I'm not a native English speaker so I might make one mistake or another, forgive me. Anyway, I can't tell you how many links had I read from YBOP. Litterally mpre than a hundred and I'll be grateful for Gray's and his wife's work all my life. Because I was addict to porn and Gary's work was a shinning light into my darkness and give me some of the tools which made me able to make my own light, and embrace my drakness and work on it. And ultimately, made possible for me to be happy again. To laugh, to cry, to get angry, to feel. Something that porn take away from me over the years but with effort I bring it back. I still got a lot of work to do, a lot to read, a lot to think, to know, to see and I'm working on all of it. But you people definitely changed my life. And I'm thankful for that. My sincere feelings to Gary's family and friends. I'll miss him too.