Don Hilton

May. 23rd, 2021

Over a decade ago I first started speaking and writing about how neuroscience and pornography interface, and quickly became aware of Gary’s work. Over the years, as we have participated in various events related to this subject I came to know him better personally. One enjoyable memory is a conversation we had about the metaphysics and meaning of existence we shared while we were both on adjacent treadmills working out at some conference hotel. There were also many phone conversations over the years which were always valued.

Gary’s sudden loss is obviously immensely difficult for Marnia, Arion, and those who knew him best, but he leaves a big hole in my heart as well. He was fiercely loyal to his friends and to the movement, and combined that loyalty with tenacity, a keen intellect, and a gifted ability to sift through data and concisely distill out and articulate the essence of the matter at hand. He was simply brilliant, but combined that asset with an indomitable warrior spirit and a desire to lift and help those captivated by exploitation.

As a loss to the movement he is simply irreplaceable. While it will be impossible to replicate who he is and what he has done, he has set a standard for those of us who remain to fight. His message of never backing down before the bullies of exploitation, and of answering lies with truth is a timeless one, and we will honor Gary by continuing this fight with renewed determination and vigor.

Don Hilton