Anonymous Comment

May. 21st, 2022

While watching a documentary about pornography use and it's harmful effects, I came across the news that Dr. Gary Wilson had died. I was distraught, it was so unexpected. Interestingly, I was watching this documentary exactly one year after his passing.

I recall watching his Ted talk, around 2016, and how it kickstarted my journey to quit porn for good. At the time I would go on to read his website extensively and read snippets of his book.

Though I've had my ups and downs in this journey of addiction, I can say that Dr. Wilson had an extremely positive impact in my life, and hearing of the news was heartbreaking.

It's probably impossible to put into words how big of a positive influence Gary had in millions of people's lives, particularly young men. He was certainly fighting the noble battle. Rest in Piece Gary Wilson, I wish I could've thanked you in person.

With much admiration,
An internet stranger